Network Safety and Netiquette
Network Safety
​As time passed, I became increasingly aware of the importance of safeguarding my online presence. It's become all too common for those around me to fall victim to cyber-attacks and data breaches. This issue has only become more widespread as digitalization continues to be promoted by the government. Unfortunately, many people struggle to keep up with the latest trends and aren't informed on how to effectively protect themselves online. Luckily, I have never encountered such issues because of these tips:
utilize Cloud services for backing up
create robust passwords with Two-Factor Authentication enabled
avoid connecting to unfamiliar Wi-Fi connections
filter out spam and potentially harmful emails
be conscious of the language you use
refrain from any type of bullying
act in a professional manner
show respect consistently
demonstrate kindness
I have been playing online games for as long as I can remember. Through messages and voice chats, I noticed that trash-talking has always been an issue apart from Social Safety. It always irked me how one can berate someone they don't know. Such instances enable and encourage cyberbullying. All of which goes against our ideals of a safe and respectful online environment. Hence, we must always abide by the netiquette.